Lady Gaga's Two Dogs Were Stolen, And Her Dogwalker Was Shot Four Times

Gaga’s dog walker was reportedly shot four times, according to TMZ, on Wednesday before two of her three French Bulldogs were stolen. The dog walker was taken to the hospital and is expected to make a full recovery.

Crazy story coming out of LA today. Lady Gaga's dog walker was out walking with her 3 French bulldogs, minding his own business, and some disgusting trash dump of scum and sludge came up on him and shot him FOUR TIMES. The shooter stole two of the dogs, and the third escaped. The third dog was found later, the dog walker is in critical condition in the hospital, and Lady Gaga is putting up 500k to get her dogs back, no questions asked. 

Jesus CHRIST! Who steals someone's DOGS? If I'm in the mind of a criminal, and I thought someone would put up that much cash for their dogs, I can see why people might want to do it. Classic case of stealing something from a celebrity and holding it for ransom. But SHOOTING SOMEONE FOUR TIMES?? Are you out of your fucking mind? Disgusting. Hopefully everyone comes out of this healthy, and Gaga's precious angels are returned to her. 

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